Friday, November 2, 2012

gayo lues highland

d60+24mm F2.8 ais, @F11
 I took this pictures when road to Blang kejeren, Gayo Lues district capital in Aceh province, Indonesia. This is an area of Gunung Leuser National Park which has been declared as world heritage.

d60+ nikkor 24mm F2.8
d60+nikkor 24mm F2.8 ais

d60+nikkor 24mm F2.8 ais, @F/22, 4s

d60+nikkor 24mm F2.8 ais @F/22, 4s

lut tawar lake, takengon, d90+135mm F2 ais

 The Gunung Leuser National Park (TNGL) is a nature conservation area covering an area of 1.094.692 hectares. TNGL has three fungtions:
  1. protection of life support system, such as: water supply, flood and drought Prevention;
  2. preserving species diversity of plants and animals and their ecosystems, habitats for sumatran orangutans, sumatran elephant, sumatran tiger, sumatran rhinoceros, siamang, leopard cat, sambar deer, etc.
  3. utilization of natural resources and ecosystems, such as: carbon sequestration, hydro-electricity

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I would like to feature your photo of Gunung Leuser National Park in our website about coffee bean. i will credit your website link below the photo is it okay? Thank you so much, hope to hear from you soon!


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